Thursday, November 1, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

My semi-homemade (and I use that term loosely.  If Sandra Lee can do it, so can I, lol!) costumes:

Lego Forest Policeman.  I used some pretty awesome clown makeup for the yellow face (liquid Mehron).  It went on smoothly with a make-up sponge, and dried quickly.  It washed off in the bath, but the black crayon required real make-up remover (my husband was clueless on how to remove it... kind of funny).  No stains on his face today.

His Parcs Quebec, Black Hills Forest Service, Helicopter Forest Ranger, and Lego patches were all ordered off eBay (not a huge selection).   The hat was ordered from the National Park Services' online store.   So, semi-homemade since I sewed them on. :)

The Inspiration


Little Audrey Louise as a witch.  Knit hat from Little Magpie Co. on Etsy, skirt from The Children's Place, onesie from The Gap.  Last year I squeeze her into a bee costume, and frankly, she hated it so much and was so uncomfortable I didn't want to dress her in anything outlandish this year.  Next year, I'm sure she will be able to make very willful choices of her own and she can go all out, should her fashionable little heart desire.

We had a great Halloween!  Big brother made sure his little sister got treats too and did a great job showing her the ropes.


  1. What adorable costumes and kids, great little knit witch's hat for a small girl, and his outfit is unique for sure!

  2. Clever idea with Dylan's costume and I just adore Audrey's look! Well done, love!


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